Integrations to send your data to the right destination
Say goodbye to constantly manually copy and pasting your data into the apps you need it to be. We've taken all the technical heavy lifting off your hands so you spend more time doing what you like.

Upflowy can push answers to the apps you use
Choose the way you'd like to connect your apps.

Have the data from your flows be in the apps you need it to be.
Have your Upflowy forms push data:
- As Deals in your CRM
- As contacts in your CRM
- As tasks in your workboard like Asana, ClickUp
Upflowy can help you out today.
We're here to help!
Your pain? We understand. This is why we do what we do, and can provide you with an experience like no other.
Browse and bookmark our knowledge base.
It's the place to get started and find a guided article on a few cool things that you can build with your flows.